WRNN: Nominations Open for the 2023 Patriot Project Mission

Honor Mission Executive Director Col. Russ Vernon and Jason Livingston, the 2021 Patriot Project honoree for South Carolina, joined on WRNN 99.5 - Hot Talk in Myrtle Beach to discuss the opening of nominations for the 2023 Mission and to encourage nominations for a new South Carolina honoree.

LISTEN to the full segment below.

To nominate a living Purple Heart recipient, visit https://www.purpleheartmission.org/nominate-a-patriot-project-mission-honoree and complete the form, along with two to three paragraphs (up to 350 words) detailing the nominee’s story of service and their post-service life (career, volunteer work, family life, civic organization engagement, awards/citations, etc.).

Nominations will be accepted through December 31, 2022.