Ralph Lester Davis

Ralph Lester Davis was born on September 6, 1919. He was inducted into the U.S. Army on February 9, 1942, and served for two years, four months, and 12 days, first at Camp Polk, Louisiana and then later at Fort Benning, Georgia, before being deployed to the European Theatre. He departed for Scotland on June 7, 1994 and arrived on June 14. He spent the next year and four months on foreign soil, including Northern France, The Rhineland, The Ardennes, and Central Europe.

A member of the 7th Armored Division, Company C, 31st Tank Battalion, Davis’ service included fighting in the Battle of the Bulge.

On October 28, 1944, during fighting in Holland, Davis’ tank was shelled and caught fire. After the being wounded, Davis was taken to a hospital in Paris for treatment, where his burns resulted in the loss of a kidney.

For his service, Davis was awarded the Purple Heart, the Good Conduct Medal, and the European, African, and Middle Eastern Service Medal with 4 Bronze Stars. On September 30, 1945 he departed for the United States on the Queen Mary, arriving on October 7, 1945. He was honorably discharged on October 21, 1945.

This narrative was produced based upon biographical information provided by Mr. Davis’ family.