The Hill: America Still Cherishes Those Who Fight and Die for the Freedoms We Enjoy
By Col. (Ret.) Russell Vernon and Richie Lay
There is rightly a lot of talk in Washington, but nothing is getting done on Capitol Hill because of perhaps the sharpest partisan divide in our nation’s history. The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent civil unrest has seemed to only further that gridlock and division. It’s frustrating for Americans of all political stripes to watch government ground to a halt due to partisan rancor and dueling political ideologies. It leaves us wondering if any issues still exist that can temper the caustic environment.
Our nation’s Purple Heart heroes offer Washington an opportunity to prove that uniting for a cause is still possible. With National Purple Heart Day — August 7 — our nation’s leaders can remind people from coast to coast that America still cherishes those who fight and die for the freedoms we all enjoy.